The first works in the field of civil engineering and agro-engineering date back to the 1970s. Among the main achievements of the first period, carried out mainly in Africa, there are projects for roads (over 500 km of planning), bridges (including the Patani bridge 1 km long and 96 m spans built by the construction company German Strabag Bau), dams and aqueducts (including the one for the new capital Abuja for 3 million inhabitants) and agro-pedology studies (in Nigeria for the Benue valley and Niger and in Cameroon). To meet the need for physical-chemical analyzes of soil projects, the agricultural chemistry laboratory managed by Prof. Giuseppe Papini was set up in Rome. Following the agro-pedology studies, it became necessary to map the cartographic data on personal computers and therefore, having left the PICOS environment of the Olivetti M20 and M24 computers, work began on the first versions of Autocad (release 2.17).

In the early 90s Alpha Consult establishes a partnership with the Facility Mapping System Inc. of Mill Valley, California USA and specializes in the preparation of digitalization projects of the territory with template-driven applications for the various aspects of the thematic components of the territorial administrations ( Regulatory plan, technological networks, risk maps). Based on the experience of the work of Ing. Dennis Klein in the County of San Matteo in California thus born the first applications on Autodesk Inc. products. With the birth of ArcCAD he moved on to work on the theme and coverage of the world of ESRI as a registered developer of ESRI and, to follow from 01/01 /2000, Alpha Consult joins the ADN Autodesk Development Network. Alpha Consult creates an internal data entry service center equipped with high-resolution scanners and automatic vectorisation programs managed by specialized personnel for the geo-referencing of cartographic data and the preparation of thematic maps for environmental risk analyses.

In the years 1990-2000, with this instrumentation, he carried out the vectorization and topology of the thematic maps of the Lazio Region for the slope map, the geological map, the cracking map and the permeability map and, subsequently, the digital transposition of the plans regulators of various municipalities in the Lazio Region. The computer laboratory is thus equipped for the development of both customized solutions on desktop GIS products and for the creation of geoportals with the use of commercial and open source WebGIS solutions.

Since 2010 Alpha Consult has specialized in the development of complex applications that use GIS technology by linking the cartographic portal objects to the portal menu structures that allow you to perform services on the geographical database; among these applications, examples of results are the preparation of the certificate of urban destination, the management of the authorization procedures for driveways, the management of the authorization procedures for water withdrawal, the management of the maintenance information system infrastructure and assets.

Since 2020 Alpha Consult has expanded its expertise in the development of applications based on Open Source software for both the cartographic and alphanumeric components.

In recent years, Alpha Consult has participated in international research consortia for research and development projects on environmental and territorial management issues.

For example, some of the activities that Alpha Consult has carried out are reported:

  • the creation of the PAI and PSAI information base of the Lazio Regional Basin Authority, the Fiora Interregional Authority and the Tiber Basin Authority;
  • the preparation of the portal of the Hydrographic and Mareographic Office before the presidency of the council of ministers and then of the Lazio Region;
  • the preparation of the PTPG Provincial General Territorial Plan for the Provinces of Latina and Viterbo;
  • the computerization of the Civil Protection Plan of the Municipality of Rome with the relative online mapping and the preparation of the dissemination portal;
  • the creation of the WISE Water Information System for Europe portal for APAT;
  • the development of the SIMP portals Information System for Pesticide Monitoring for ISPRA;
  • the preparation of the thematic maps of the ReStart Project of the Central Apennines District Authority.

The Alpha Consult applications connect both the officials and technicians of the institutions and external users, favoring intergovernmental and interscalar collaboration and solving common communication problems to advance administrative digitization.

Alpha Consult is available with a team of dedicated professionals who share the mission of being of assistance in technical-IT assistance to improve the work of local administrations and individuals with a human-centered approach.